Zenith on the bricks

Internet marketing, social media, web design consulting

Tips to Make You as Comfortable as a Dachshund

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Dangerous Common Sense for Web Design and Internet Marketing2018-07-22T10:18:54-07:00

An Internet Consultant's Views, Thoughts, and Suggestions!


Ozdachs offers a discussion of tech-related topics based on our experience designing websites, helping organizations use social media and Internet marketing. These comments are our opinions and views, and your comments are welcome!

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Please scroll through the recent posts appearing on this page and following blog pages (click Read More on any summary to see the full post). Or, find information on a specific topic using the search box on the top of the page. Or, browse posts sorted by categories (see the drop-down menu on the right sidebar).

WordPress Sites: You Don’t Just Publish and Forget Them

It used to be that clients asked a developer to create a website, the site went live,and then the owner let the site attract business for them without any further effort.  The owner usually didn’t update the site regularly, and there were no maintenance tasks to be performed.  Maybe some content would be updated every month or so, but maybe not.

Now, though, business owners have jumped on the DIY updates/blog wagon.  They want to be able to create their own posts, and they want to be able to change the photos and content on the their websites themselves.

In response to this new approach, WordPress has exploded. WordPress lets you create and modify a website from a web browser anywhere in the world.

  • You don’t need special software on your computer
  • You don’t need to know any programming language, not even HTML
  • The base WordPress is free […]
By |February 9th, 2014|Categories: Web Design, Wordpress|Tags: , , |1 Comment
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